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很多時候客戶在市場上面對很多不同的業務員,他們都各說各好,作為消費者的我們應如何選擇?? 市面上又有什麼選項?? 最重要的是Why Us??
早前香港有一則新聞有一架私家車在市區瘋狂駕駛, 撞毀了多輛汽車, 涉事司機最終被逮捕, 背後原來或是因為違法逃逸。事後有很多朋友問, 那些被撞毀的無辜汽車司機怎麼辦? 保險應該怎麼算?
Navigator group has discovered that someone has released an investment course in the name of our group, claiming that it was formed by a number of securities companies, investment institutions and fund companies. Please note that our group has not held any investment or stock courses, the above-mentioned courses steal and misappropriate to use the name and the trademark of our group. We already inform the Hong Kong Police force. Please be caution.
香港政府推出的「投資移民」(新資本投資者入境計劃)已於今年3月1日起接受申請, 其實除上述計劃外, 香港亦有其他入境申請計劃, 他們是什麼?
領航國際同仁在龍年祝大家身體健康, 財源廣進, 龍馬精神, 一本萬利, 東成西就, 心想事成, 一帆風順!!